Members FAQ’s

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Thanks for joining our site.  Here’s some helpful hints on how to sign up and edit your own information, including your password.  FAQ’s are at the bottom of this post.

In general most of our posts will be public and you won’t have to log in to view updates.  However you will need to be a member to recieve email updates and  sign up for games and pepbands.  If you have any other questions or problems don’t hesitate to contact us.

New Member Sign Up

Go to our members tab and fill in all required fields.  Remember your login.  You will receive a confirmation email that has your password in it.  You can change that password if you want.

Need to reset your Password?

Go to our members tab.  Look for “forgot your password? click here”  You will need to know your login.  This will work even if you just want to change your password.

Update your Profile

Once you are signed in, go to our members tab.  There you will see options to update your information or change you password.


If most of the posts are public, why be a member?

Signing up as a member puts you on our email list.  From there you will receive updates, game information, the lyre and pep band requests.