13th Annual Golf Classic| Sunday, Aug 21st

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Please join us for a fun day of golf, food and friends, as we raise funds for Husky Band Scholarships, including the Andrew Mandel Drum Major Scholarship.
Online registration will be available at http://www.huskybandgolf.org/


Details for the Scramble Tournament

Date: Sunday, August 21st, 2016
Where: Washington National Golf Club
Registration & Practice: 12:30—1:25 pm
Tee: 1:30 pm—Shot Gun
Buffet: following conclusion of play, ~ 6:30 pm
Fee: $135 or $120 w/paid HMBAA dues

Registration includes range balls, cart, dinner & auction
(Awards Dinner & Auction Only:  $35)

Please register at http://www.huskybandgolf.org/


“Bringing bad golf and good friends together for an outstanding band!”